The Creative Process with Picture Perfect

The Process

The film industry has a tried-and-true process for project development. Over the years, each film maker in every department has a process that they have adopted of their very own. Picture Perfect is unique, in that we have a well fleshed out team of versatile creators with their own custom process, but when the team comes together, we create a synergy that is a magic all on its own.

We will start with the usual statement that all projects are different, and there will always be circumstances that might swap the order, or give us more or less information to complete the production. In commercial film, we mirror theatrical, but typically at a much faster pace.


Design & Aesthetic

This may be informed upon by a brand or the in house creative for the client. This process is one we are proud to say we get to play a part in with most of our clients. They trust and understand our process and often give us freedom to make adjustments.


Depending on the project, our team will usually work with our clients in the development or editing process of scripting. The script can be subject to change until the very last moment.

Story boarding

Picture Perfect has an excellent Story Board artist. This process allows the whole production to see a preview of the final product. This informs the camera team of the angles we need and helps us to structure our official shotlist.


Once all of the main pieces are set, the Producer is able to craft an ideal schedule to capture the entire project in our time frame. They have to take into account set. Ups, transitions, time of day, crew meals, and any vendor restrictions. The schedule takes meticulous thought to create.



In this phase our team is able to test set ups and dial in on all of the angles and settings allowing us to account for adjustments needed on the day. We test our props, colors, lights, angles, and sound. We prepare for our clients to view the set throughout the day on external streaming cameras and a production village for live review.

During this process we are able to determine each of our set ups and account for any differences in our camera builds. We need to know how we are shooting every angle of the commercial.

Our team is clever, and with high quality story boards, we are able to re arrange the shots into the most efficient path to completion. Until we are in the space and running through each moment, we don’t know how much room we have to calculate depth. We can’t be sure of the lighting situation without taking the proper time to analyze the space and match it to our work thus far. The end of a pre light can feel very satisfying. This is an opportunity to work as a team and communicate an official game plan. It saves us so much time on the day, because we already worked out the kinks. We already problem-solved. It gives us the flexibility to “Wow” our clients with truly creative decisions.


Our equipment is prepped and the batteries are charged! Pull out your cameras, build your rigs, and hit record. We have walked through the script and set a plan for each step. This is game day. We are ready and rested and pumped to create cinematic gold. Yes! That is the attitude we bring on the day. We are genuinely excited to CREATE. This is very fulfilling work for us, and it shows. Our team is able to have fun and be loose, because we put in the work to feel comfortable on production day.

The Producer has created an efficient and dynamic schedule. They have planned for contingencies, lunch is set, its time to meet new people and rapidly become friends.


When we wrap, we take the time to review each and every shot, though our trained DIT person has already ear marked some of our favorites. Now its time to put it all together. This phase starts with review of footage and leads into matching the shots with the story and being able to put it all together the way we planned. Picture Perfect is unique, in that we have specialized emmy award winning editors ready to make fine tuned adjustments for each frame. This gives us the edge of luxury quality commercials for every project. We have the ability to match the needs of any brand.

We pride ourselves on the creativity we bring to each stage of the process. From the lighting solutions you may not notice, because they are executed flawlessly, the props placed in the frame with care, the attention to detail to make sure every frame is consistent with the last, the sound is clear and crisp, the camera is moved with intention and focus, to the way the team is cared for and looked after by production, Picture Perfect takes the intentional creativity involved in our craft very seriously.

No process is ever exactly the same, but we have a routine to establish our process for every production. Our team consistently designs each process for the project at hand. We are ready to support our clients needs whether they know exactly what they want, or they need our help to figure it out.

We are curious though, What does your creative process look like?


Videography vs cinematography


It’s a Picture Perfect Commercial